Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter

Animal Shelters are the places where will live, lost, abandoned or surrendered animals – mostly dogs and cats. In such places the young people will have a chance to care about animals.

This place should contain:

  • play ground for animals and child to entertimend eachother
  • clean, comfortable surrounding
  • skilled compessionate care
  • a sound program of hygiene and health care
  • adoption
  • good location
  • volontiears that will help everyone to be sadisfied from cooperation with eachother, young and animals
  • protect the animal from heat, cold and rain
  • have arrangements for drinking water supply for animals and also for humans
  • be specious so as to provide enough space for everyone to stay comfortably
  • I n case of poultry birds it should protect them from predators such as cats and dogs
  • be free from disease causing organisms such as viruses’ bacteria and fungi.

Output:  develop in young people decision making – thinking about others no matter who and what you are

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